About Us

We are a Not-For-Profit organization with over Forty years experience delivering reliable health solutions to our clients across Uganda.
The Leading Pharmaceutical Supplier

Who We Are

Joint Medical Store (JMS) is the leading Private Not-for-Profit Organization (PNFP) established in 1979 by Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) and Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) as a Body Corporate under the Trustees Incorporation Act (Cap 165).

JMS is licensed by National Drug Authority (NDA) to engage in the importation, warehousing, exportation, wholesale, and distribution of medicines and related healthcare supplies. JMS also engages in other health commodity value chain activities including but not limited to training of health workers, infrastructure development, repair and maintenance of medical equipment, and institutional development. JMS operates within the framework of the Quality Management System that is certified under ISO 9001:2015.

The Quality Assurance Framework for JMS ensures adherence to good distribution practices, good storage practices, and good laboratory practices such that the commodities supplied by JMS are fit for purpose, safe, and acceptable to the consumers, and add value to the healthcare process.

The National Medicines Policy 2015-2020 recognizes JMS as the mandated warehouse for all faith-based PNFPs. In undertaking this role, JMS works with a range of partners and stakeholders including but not limited to the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Health, Development Partners, suppliers, investors, service providers, and customers to enhance critical supply chain needs in Uganda.

Our Mission

"To Provide Value-adding Health Solutions to Accredited Health Units and Other Stakeholders "

Our vision

"Quality Health Solutions Accessible to all for the Glory of God."

Our commitment

why choose us

JMS is the leading private pharmaceutical store in Uganda serving at least 3000 medical facilities

45+ year experience

With over 40 years of experience in the field of industrial manufacturing, we guarantee the best quality and products.

professional team

With a professional team of steelers, we are all experienced and highly skilled in manufacturing. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy.

Safety is top priority

For us, occupational safety is a top priority, with modern machinery and safety facilities. so it’s well worth the investment in safety.

large scale

With 30 factories around the world, we are the leading industrial company for you. Free is a firm believer in working.


1 +

Customer Satisfaction

Looking for a reliable
health solutions partner?

JMS works strategically with international connections, regional and national agencies and institutions such as the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN), African Christian Health Associations Platform (ACHAP), Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH), in country professional, standards (UNBS) and regulatory bodies (NDA) to drive shared agendas including but not limited to improving procurement efficiency, enhancing the quality of products and services, research and development, and improving pharmacovigilance.

Let's Grow With
Joint Medical Store

JMS runs a rigorous graduate trainee program every year. This provides graduates an opportunity to practice their acquired skills. The program’s main goal is to provide the youth with the much-needed experience required increasingly in today’s organizations.
Who we work with

Our Partners